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What types of therapy does NDIS cover?

In order to move you towards your goals and provide the best disability support, NDIS will generally cover a very wide range of therapies, from physiotherapy, occupational therapy or sex therapy, to dietary support and music therapy. Therapy is a common type of support provided, so many options exist. It is worth thinking carefully and openly about any potential therapies that could help you reach your goals.

Eligibility of Therapy for NDIS Funding

Typically, funding will be approved for any therapy that can be shown to be reasonable and necessary. It will help your request if you can show that the therapy has an expected outcome that's in-line with your goals, as outlined in your NDIS planning meeting.

NDIS Therapy Funding Limits

Each type of therapy is grouped into categories, and each category has its own maximum price limits. Depending on which type of therapy you require it may pay to confirm this limit during your planning meeting to ensure you will be appropriately funded.

Finding a Therapist

A Support Coordinator or your Local Area Coordinator will be able to connect you with a therapist most suitable for your needs and goals. You are also free to choose from any online directory your own or existing therapist.

Therapy Session
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